Drive out a mocker,
and conflict goes too; then quarreling and dishonor will cease.
Proverbs 22:10 CSB
Dishonor, shame.
Is there someone in your community, in your life, that is constantly creating conflict?
Someone who never allows peace?
This proverb is about boundaries. Sometimes they need to be there to remove and keep out someone who is using their power to bring conflict and shame.
Sometimes putting up firm boundaries is the best thing for them, to cut off the fuel supply to their destructiveness.
But I also know that I can be a mocker.
I can take an opposite view just for fun. Just to annoy.
I can cause conflict.
Use my words and power in ways that cause strife and bring shame.
So I need to drive that mocker out, that part of me that tears you down to make me feel better, stronger, more "right", that makes me feel bigger when you look smaller.
That part of me is the anti-gospel.
The answer is love. Love that we have received, grace in which we live, the gospel that has redeemed, and as we rest in that, dwell in that, there is no room for the mocker.
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