When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust;
I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
Psalms 56:3-4 CSB
Do you have a "go to" verse?
A fave?
"When I am afraid I will trust in You" Ps56:3
This is one of mine, as it speaks to what is going on in my heart often.
"When I am afraid I will trust in You" Ps56:3
Last night I was over thinking some aspects of my future.
"When I am afraid
I will trust in You"
This Psalm helps to lift my view out of myself, raises my eyes to the bigger reality of who God is, where my hope lies.
"When I am afraid
I will trust in You"
It helps me remember that I can call on the One who is with me
"When I am afraid
I will trust in You"
When I was worried about someone else I did what I could and gave my fears to the One who can hold them.
"When I am afraid
I will trust in You"
When my feelings take me to a dark place, when my thoughts are not helpful or healthy I can goto the only One who has been there before me, who knows, who makes beauty from ashes, armies from bones, who makes a way where there is none.
The One who's arms are open for me as I am.
The One who says "come as you are".
The One who sees
"When I am afraid
I will trust in You"
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