Jesus answered them, "Stop grumbling among yourselves."
John 6:43 CSB
Twice in this passage Jesus calls these guys out for "grumbling among yourselves".
Yesterday I was at a family gathering and for a while there was grumbling among ourselves about Covid at the border & the US political situation.
Lots of grumbling.
From me too.
There was no room for different perspectives or views.
Lots of grumbling.
Jesus when talking to this group of people tells them to stop this grumbling about how it can't be.
I'm right here.
Talk to me.
There's a different perspective, a different way of seeing this.
And it starts with believing in me.
Get out of your little circle that just reinforces your thinking, and listen to me.
Believe in me.
I'm good at grumbling. Especially with people who agree with me.
It reinforces something in my heart that I am right.
The way I see things is right.
Jesus says grumble at me, I'm right here.
And what's more, Life is here.
Stop grumbling among yourselves, look over here - I am the bread of life.
Hunger no more.
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