The Righteous One observes the house of the wicked;
he overthrows the wicked to their ruin.
Proverbs 21:12 CJB
Righteous justice is meted out on those who deserve it!
I've even got a list on where our God can start!
The sooner the better.
Does this proverb give us 'righteous' ones the mandate to mete out justice ourselves? To bring ruin on those who have ruined lives?
Some days I'd like nothing more.
Today this proverb makes me slow down and consider the wicked within.
The things in my heart that need overthrowing.
The realisation that if the wicked are brought to ruin, I am one.
And my need for a saviour becomes clearer. He is ruined so that I am not.
He is overthrown so that I am not.
So I can rest in that.
That the God of Justice, the Righteous One has seen, and He has made a way.
And he wants us to pursue justice, correct oppressors, and on the flip side of the justice coin defend and plead the case of the marginalised, the oppressed, the hurt, the outcast (see yesterday's votd)
His justice will roll down like water.
He is the God of the millstone.
His justice will prevail.
I choose to trust Him with that.
And as we pursue justice, correct oppressors, defend and plead the case of the marginalised, the oppressed, the hurt, the outcast may we do all that not with vengeance in our hearts but love.
Love for the hurt.
The oppressed.
Those who need justice.
The outcast.
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