To Philemon our dear friend and coworker,
to Apphia our sister,
to Archippus our fellow soldier,
and to the church that meets in your home. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philemon 1:1-3 CSB
A quick look at commentaries on this verse shows people trying to define the relationships here.
Was Apphia Philemon's wife? Is Archippus their son?
Who's home was the church in?
Maybe it's vague for a reason. That this little church was led by a collection of people who chose one another, chose to be family.
In my culture family is quite an exclusive concept, and as long as my immediate family are OK then all is well with the world.
When we lived in PNG family in the community around us was much more inclusive and fluid. Everyone knew that they belonged.
Our culture today is crying out for belonging, for all our electronic connectedness we still long for connection.
Just maybe if we saw the place where we live as a church, and the things that happen there as church, then the lost in our community will be found, the lonely will be lonely no more, there will be no marginalised as there will be no one living on the margins any more.
Maybe '21 is a year we can open our borders a little.
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