You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Psalms 23:5 CSB
Who does that?
Who prepares a meal?
Who sets it before me?
A gracious host prepares a meal for me.
A gracious host says come in, let me fix you dinner.
You're a guest.
You're welcome.
You belong.
And a humble servant lays out a table and serves food.
Maybe you've worked in hospitality, or just fed a people at your place.
And cleaned up.
And done the dishes, while your guests eat and talk.
Who is the gracious host and the humble servant here?
Our God.
And serving.
How does it feel to be welcomed in, to be blessed with food or coffee or tea.
To be served.
This is our God, who welcomes us in, and serves.
This is crazy love.
When we're loved like that something shifts inside, as the message that you're important, that you're loved rests inside.
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