A kingys heart
is like channeled water in the Lord's hand:
He directs it wherever he chooses.
Proverbs 21:1 CSB
It would be nice to see a bit more of this in leaders around the world, because many of them don't seem to be doing things that I think God should be choosing to direct them in.
Maybe Solomon was thinking of the Assyrian king at the end of Ezra ch6.
Or maybe he was considering his own heart.
And asking me to consider mine.
It's easy to see what some other king should be doing, but how well do I allow God to direct my path?
Is it that I just want to be king?
He's moving me to love and I'm opting for selfishness.
He's moving me to patience, but I don't want to wait.
He's moving me to kindness, but I don't want to.
He's moving me to discard the record of wrongs, but I cling to it.
He's moving me to give but I want my stuff.
The water of my heart keeps wanting to break out of the channel God is making ahead of me.
I just want to be king.
You be King,
Direct me in Your path.
Channel my heart today.
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