Jacob's well was there, and Jesus,
worn out from his journey,
sat down at the well.
It was about noon.
A woman of Samaria came to draw water.
John 4:6-7 CSB
Mmm so what's so unusual about being in Samaria, at a well in Samaria, and a woman of Samaria is coming to draw water?
Because it's midday.
And she's on her own.
And as the story unfolds we find that this woman's history is a source of shame.
She's not at the well when others would gather, she's come in the heat of the day to avoid people.
But Jesus is there to meet her.
He had to go to Samaria.
He isn't in a church waiting for her to turn up, hasn't waited for her to sort her life out, Jesus met her where she was at.
No matter our story,
our history,
our shame,
what we do to hide away, to keep ourselves safe, Jesus is OK to meet us there.
And if we're to follow Jesus example, we need to be prepared to meet people where they are.
As they are.
Just like Jacob received grace from Esau at this place, so this woman received grace from Jesus.
He met her where she was at.
As she was.
She was found by Jesus.
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