"My food
is to do the will of him who sent me
and to finish his work," Jesus told them.
John 4:34 CSB
And to finish his work.
This is Jesus fuel.
To do the will of (our perfect heavenly) Father.
And to finish His work. What an interesting thing to say.
What work did the Father start?
Could this takes us all the way back through history, through God speaking through the prophets, through the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant, through the exodus and God rescuing his people, through the giving of the law, through the covenant with Abram, through the flood, and all the way back to the garden.
To where Adam and Eve had chosen to listen to the lies of Satan,
and God made Himself small,
stooped down,
and asked "where are you?"
He pursued.
He came looking.
He knew.
He came for us.
And Jesus came to finish that work, so that, we can be finally and fully restored in nearness to God.
Jesus had just demonstrated it by going to Samaria.
By meeting with the outcast, looked down upon, rejected, woman, Jesus was showing his team what he was about, what he wanted them to be about,
and what he wants us to be about.
Our pursuing, personal, loving God, is going to finish what he started.
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