When a Samaritan woman came to draw water,
Jesus said to her,
"Will you give me a drink?"
(His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)
John 4:7-8 NIV
Jesus, the one who made the water, is asking for a drink.
He has entered in to her world by bringing his vulnerability.
He's hungry, tired, and thirsty.
As Diane Langberg in her new book "Redeeming Power" writes:
"But the pursuing God went into territory that was considered polluted, to meet with a polluted woman he would have been expected to avoid, reject, and condemn...He crossed over every obstacle to get to her... custom, prejudice, belief, honour, or appearnces".
Jesus entered into her world and drank from her cup.
Jesus calls us to follow him, to step over prejudice, belief, custom, to step towards, to become vulnerable, to enter in.
If today you feel less than, polluted, outcast, Jesus pursues you too. He'll come to where you are today.
He makes himself small, vulnerable, asks to share your cup, because he loves.
Loves you.
You're worth the journey to Samaria,
worth crossing every barrier for,
worth being hungry and thirsty for.
Worth going to the cross for.
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