But he said,
"I have food to eat that you don't know about."
The disciples said to one another,
"Could someone have brought him something to eat?"
"My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work,"
Jesus told them.
John 4:32-34 CSB
The disciples are looking for our friend now.
Did she feed Jesus?
We've been into town for food and someone else provided food anyway?
Was Judas wondering if he could've saved some money?
But Jesus has a completely different fuel that is powering his life on earth.
Yes he has to eat, but he's not driven by success in the things of this world.
His fuel is to do the Father's will.
(jump back to Ch3v16-17 to check out the Father's will)
Jesus isn't fueled by the crowd, the response of the one person at the well, or the accolades from his team.
It's doing the Father's will, and that's why he keeps checking in with Him, takes time out to be with Him, and keeps quoting His Word.
What's my fuel?
Mine feels like such a mix.
But I wonder if that is what Jesus is hinting at for his team, that even the seeming mundane everyday going- go-get-food activity can be Kingdom work too.
It's how we see it, how we hold it in our hearts, and in that, not to miss the woman at the well who needed to meet Jesus.
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