In the meantime the disciples kept urging him, "Rabbi, eat something." But he said,
"I have food to eat that you don't know about." The disciples said to one another,
"Could someone have brought him something to eat?"
John 4:31-33 CSB
Our friend came for water at the well.
She didn't know who Jesus was, and he talked to her about living water.
The disciples knew who Jesus was.
But their eyes were still set on the wrong things. Those unspoken questions about why Jesus was even talking to her, he knew their hearts.
They didn't ask her to stay and share some food. That didn't enter their minds.
They just thought they'd got the wrong kai.
So Jesus uses the food to get them thinking.
Thinking about the Kingdom and Kingdom values.
To lift their heads and hearts out of what's temporary, to what is really important.
And the really important thing to Jesus was that one person.
That one person who was looked down on because of her gender, her race, her past, who was hiding, who was on the outer, who needed to know about Jesus.
Maybe today he's giving us a nudge about what's really important...
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