The next day...the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate.
they said,
"we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said,
'After three days I will rise again'.
So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead.
This last deception will be worse than the first"
Matthew 27:62-66 NIV
Jesus is dead. And buried.
Were the church leaders really afraid someone would steal the body?
Or was there a niggling fear that if they didn't seal the tomb somehow Jesus might just do what he said he would do and walk out?
Jesus is dead
His team will be grieving, replaying conversations and Jesus teaching in their minds.
On Saturday it must've felt like all was lost.
They were lost
Ever felt a bit lost?
Like living in Easter Saturday.
If there's even the slightest niggle in your heart that Jesus is who he says he is, then there is hope.
Hope is coming.
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