Jesus asked her
"Who are you looking for?" She thought he was the gardener.
"...tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him."
Jesus said.
John 20:15-16 NLT
Jesus wasn't where she thought he would be
Jesus didn't look like what she expected
She didn't expect to hear anything from Jesus, but he simply called her by name.
After taking on death itself, Jesus knows her name.
He doesn't launch into a talk about what's gone on, where he'd been, what He'd done, He just says her name.
He is risen
And he knows your name
Nothing Jesus did, and nothing that was done to him in this last week happened by accident.
It happened because he knows your name.
He laid down his life
because He knows your name.
Jesus actions say "I love you"
Friday says that there is still death, and evil
Saturday says we can feel lost and hopeless
But Sunday says there is hope! That all that is broken will one day be unbroken
He defeated death
He is risen
And he calls your name.
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