Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6 NIV
Sometimes people write things and it has no credibility. If you only knew my story would you really say that?
Paul has a history.
Personally responsible for inflicting suffering on others.
Then there's the shipwrecks, the beatings, the imprisonment, and whatever the "thorn" was that caused him suffering.
And he was currently writing from jail, and responsible for churches all over the place.
So he had plenty of reason to be anxious.
It's the last word of this verse that is most important.
Who we're praying to.
Who is with us.
Not something created.
The Living God who made it all. Let's start there with the last word.
And Paul's history, present concerns, anxiety about the future, are seen in a different light...and so are yours, and so are mine.
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