Then Yeshua told his talmidim,
"If anyone wants to come after me, let him say 'No' to himself,
take up his execution-stake,
and keep following me."
Matthew 16:24 CJB
Matthew from v21 described a change in what Jesus was sharing with those following him. He repeatedly shared about what was going to happen next, that in Jerusalem he would be killed, and raised from death on the third day.
Peter had stood against that idea, and in v23 tells Jesus off for talking about it.
And Jesus verbally slaps him down.
Peter is so caught up in his own story, how Jesus death might affect him, and Jesus brings them all back to the Bigger Story. This is what being a follower of Jesus is, laying down that smaller story to pick up the Bigger one.
Peter couldn't see past the impact on himself.
Jesus reminded him there's more going on here, and following Jesus is joining in the Big Story of restoring shalom.
Which story are we going to commit to?
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