Sunday Psalms;
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God,
and I trust him.
Psalm 91:1-2 NLT
This song is full of images that seem to be about capturing our imagination, and it all hangs on this declaration:
"He alone...
He is my God."
I'm wondering if there's days when I don't start with that declaration, a statement of faith that changes the way that I see me, others, the world I live in, shapes the way I interpret what happens, pressures, losses, wins, joys.
This song almost seems like it's written for us, because it's about finding this key thing:
We live in a world that conspires against us when it comes to rest.
The expectations and demands to stay "connected" via social media, phones, email, to always be available, to always be "on", it's not how we're designed to be.
From the beginning God designed Sabbath.
This song starts with the idea of needing rest.
Since "He alone" is our God, then the demands and expectations of my world are secondary.
We can step back.
Slow down.
Switch off.
Finding rest is what we need.
Let's find it in Him.
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