O Lord,
why do you reject me? Why do you turn your face from me?
Psalm 88:14 NLT
Have you ever been with someone who blames God?
Is angry at Him?
Maybe you've been there too.
Heman the Ezrahite does just that and it's recorded for us in his song.
It seems that this is part of being human, part of grieving what is lost, part of looking for answers when there are none, part of wanting someone to blame for injustice that is too big for us.
This song of Heman's gives us permission to be human.
When we've got no voice, to find it even if it's questioning our God.
To give breath and words to what is wrong is who we are, even if the target may not be worthy of our blame, but it's often the way forward, to get unstuck, to contain what's wrong, unjust, lost, and take those tiny, tentative steps towards healing.
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