Anyone who turns his ear away from hearing the law - even his prayer is detestable.
Proverbs 28:9 CSB
This seems harsh!
What does that mean to us, this turning away from hearing the law?
Is it about not following the rules? You're not good enough if you don't follow the rules?
What if the word here is "torah"?
Torah means
Who's speaking?
Or at least who's voice is it that the person is not following their direction?
Not following who's instruction?
Proverbs is about the heart, right?
So what's going on in the heart of the person in this proverb?
They can hear the torah, the law, the instruction, the direction, and turn away.
Choose not to listen.
Choose another way.
Choose their own way.
How surprising is it that this person who's heart has turned away, finds their prayer rejected?
If I say to God I reject your direction, reject your instruction, I'm saying I reject you.
And while this proverb says our prayers are then unacceptable, our God keeps on making a way, keeps on giving opportunity to accept Him, keeps on reaching out in love towards us, the ultimate expression of that love is found in Jesus.
His instruction, direction, law, is for our good, our thriving, for our shalom. Let's turn towards it.
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