For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Psalm 91:3-4 NLT
I've read this song and wondered if it's some kind of promise that I'll never get sick, that nothing will ever go wrong for me.
But it can't mean that.
Because things have gone wrong, I have been sick, people I love have died.
Does it make a difference if the words "deadly disease" is the Hebrew word "deber" which means pestilence or plague, and this word is first found in Exodus 5 in discussion with Pharaoh when the people were still in captivity?
The song is looking back at how God acted in a specific way for their freedom.
God did act on his covenants, his promises.
He did redeem his people and set on the path to freedom.
And that we can hold onto down the centuries from whenever this song was written. Our God is faithful.
He has, is, and will, redeem us.
And in this now and the not yet, He asks us, just like he asked these ancient people, to represent Him in and to the world.
V2 declares "He is my God and I trust Him".
There's a choosing here, choosing in the face of things not working out how I would want them to, in the face of both todays wins, joys, goodness, and it's sorrows, griefs and loss.
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