But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others.
James 3:17 NLT
James is giving the alternate to my selfishness.
This is the first part of the alternate, the "wisdom from above."
Willing to yield to others.
I'm not sure how often I really get all 4 of these things happening at the same time.
There's first of all an internal component to each of these, a way of being, a way of "living".
As James is all about the expression in the world, they each find their expression in our choices, how we respond to others, what we stand for, fight for, do.
Perhaps if we start with the last one, yield to others, and the classic time is when we're driving - how does this heart stance find its expression?
Or consider being gentle. Have you considered who your harshest critic is? Perhaps that inner voice needs to learn to be gentle too, to hold back its power.
To be gentle with ourselves as we let the "wisdom from above" shape our hearts and actions today sounds like a good goal.
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