For we all stumble in many ways.
If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is mature,
able also to control the whole body.
James 3:2 CSB
James has been talking about working out our faith, and then this idea about those who teach being judged more strictly and adds this stumbling on the path, stumbling with what is said, the "logos", the word.
He seems to be saying that there's an element of control that is missing when the stumbling with our words happens, and that control is perhaps missing in other areas of the teachers life?
Faith and works
Words and actions
James seems to be asking us to look at our faith and life holistically, that just as our faith needs expression, our actions, lifestyle, choices, need to line up with our words (and even more so if we're teacher others. And who isn't teaching someone somewhere along the way?) and our words should be chosen carefully, connected to our faith, connected to the truth of who Jesus is.
Are you intrigued by the idea that Jesus is the "logos" and James says it's our "logos" that we need to take care not to stumble with?
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