Those who hate me without cause outnumber the hairs on my head.
Many enemies try to destroy me with lies, demanding that I give back what I didn't steal.
Psalms 69:4 NLT
Do you get the idea that it all seems too much for David?
Have you ever been expected to fix something, make something right that wasn't your doing?
Instead of the blame, the shame falling on the perpetrator, somehow it's falling on you?
And yet, David keeps coming back to God
"But I keep praying to you, Lord,
hoping this time you will show me favor.
In your unfailing love,
O God,
answer my prayer with your sure salvation.
Rescue me from the mud;
don't let me sink any deeper!
Save me from those who hate me, and pull me from these deep waters."
When it feels like we're walking in mud, when we're sinking, it's OK to express it.
David did.
Even while he was describing his despair, he still cries out to God.
Even in the middle of his situation he still knows that God is Unfailing Love, that our God is his salvation, his saviour.
It's OK not to be OK.
It's OK to let our God know.
And it's OK to borrow the words and declarations of others if we can't find our own. David's song is here for us for a reason, to help us acknowledge and find expression for our own despair, anger, grief, hurt.
My prayer is that this is not needed by you today.
But if it is, then borrow away.
Write David's words as your own, grab the phrases that resonate and work with them, knowing that Unfailing Love is right here.
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