because we are united with Christ,
we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance,
and he makes everything work out according to his plan.
Ephesians 1:11 NLT
Your inheritance is already in place.
You can't lose it, it's set.
No matter what this world, other people, the spiritual world throws at you, you have an inheritance from God.
It's a picture of something, something of value and worth.
You're chosen, are in the "royal" line, a child of God, with something of immense worth prepared for you.
God has a plan, and we're part of it. Part of His redemption story.
It's easy to lose sight of that in the everyday, in the ordinary, when chaos seems to reign, when there's despair, when things are not what they should be or how we believe God would want them to be.
Yet, He can still be found in our trouble.
And in His Big Story (that we have a small part in) there will be restoration, all will be made new, our inheritance is already in place, because we are His beloved children.
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