Happy the person who is never without fear,
but he who hardens his heart will fall into misfortune.
Proverbs 28:14 CJB
This word "fear" is the word "pachad" which has the meaning of dread, or to be in awe.
So happy, or blessed, is the person who has a sense of dread! Or awe!
And what is this person compared to?
Someone with a hard heart.
Not just someone with a hard heart, but who also trips up, falls into trouble.
This sense of dread, of trouble, and of awe, can do two things.
Keep us from trouble.
And keep our heart soft.
Our soft heart knows that we're not in control, that terrible and tragic things happen, that this world can be full of grief and hurt and loss, and at the same time, we are not in this alone, not without hope, not without the One who Saves.
This proverb tells us to keep it real about the world, and not to get hard hearted in it.
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