Here is the record of the ancestry of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One,
a descendant of Much Loved One (David)
and of Father of Many Nations (Abraham).
From Father of Many Nations (Abraham) to Much Loved One (David), his ancestors were:
Matthew 1:1 FNVNT
Where we come from matters.
Our stories, our whakapapa, matters.
The New Testament doesn't open with Jesus birth but with a record of who he came from, who he belongs to, and connects him to the stories of the lives that have gone before him.
Christmas has been captured by a different story, different images, and the heart of the real story is so easily lost in the hollowed out story that our culture promotes.
Matthew's gospel doesn't let us get away with that, but anchors us in the story that begins at the beginning.
This new story of Jesus (Creator sets free) started long before.
I wonder what Jesus would make of Christmas in 2023?
Where would he be found?
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