Sunday Psalms
rescue me!
Come quickly,
and help me.
May those who try to kill me be humiliated and put to shame.
May those who take delight in my trouble be turned back in disgrace...
But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout,
"God is great!"
But as for me,
I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid,
O God.
You are my helper
and my savior;
O Lord,
do not delay.
Psalm 70 NLT
This song starts with David's expression of how things are for him.
He is feeling desperate.
It's OK to express how things really are.
He then turns to those who have harmed him, that he wants consequences, justice, something to be done.
It's OK to want justice.
He then turns his mind to God. Even in his distress, he is reminding himself to keep seeking God even in these circumstances.
It's OK to remind ourselves of what is true especially when our current circumstances seem so dire.
He ends this song restating his postion, his need, restating the truth of who God is, and pleading again for His intervention.
It's OK to express how it is and hold the truth of who God is at the same time.
And it's OK to ask God (again) for what we need.
Even at this time of year, where our world tries to tinsel over things that don't just go away, or maybe are even made worse for us.
David's audience is God for this song, but also his community. None of us can do this alone.
It's OK to lean in.
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