Sunday Psalms
Save me,
O God,
for the floodwaters are up to my neck.
Deeper and deeper
I sink into the mire;
I can't find a foothold.
I am in deep water,
and the floods overwhelm me.
I am exhausted
from crying for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes are swollen with weeping,
for my God to help me.
Psalm 69:1-3 NLT
Maybe David's song resonates with you.
I'm reading this listening to Tuis and birds waking to the morning and smelling the coffee brewing.
And the discord between this and David's words are stark.
This time of year when our culture is talking tinsel and gifts and our churches are preaching baby Jesus and the hope of the world arriving, we get David's reality check.
Because for some, this is exactly how they are feeling, and for some it's because of Christmas.
So today if it helps to know that your voice is in the Bible, here it is in this Psalm, this song.
If it helps to know that others have experienced what you have, it's clear that they have.
If it helps to know that our God knows about human suffering, then it's worth remembering that He has not just heard these words over the centuries, but Jesus, who came as a baby, who is the hope of the world, experienced the trauma of being a refugee, the rejection of his family, his people, his closest friends, physical, emotional and spiritual deprivation and abuse.
And in the garden of Gethsemane could easily have sung this song of being overwhelmed.
On the cross the next day he could well have had these words of waiting for God to help him on his lips.
And yet he went through it all not because he had to, but he chose to.
For you.
For us.
We are Beloved.
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