And Joseph named him Jesus.
Matthew 1:25 NLT
Joseph could've walked away, and didn't.
Yes he had a dream, but even the most vivid of dreams can be dismissed.
Joseph didn't just stay with Mary, he did what today we would call "adopted" Jesus.
He can't have really grasped all that was going on here but he stayed with the people God had placed in his orbit, placed in his care.
Stick with those God has placed in your care, they're part of God's Bigger Story.
We all have a part in God's Bigger Story. We can't always see it, understand it, or grasp the significance of today, but we can be assured that our commitment to one another, our smallest acts of care and kindness will echo into eternity, in God's Bigger Story.
The thing with Joseph was that he was just asked to be a husband to Mary and Dad to Jesus, he didn't have to save the world, that was Jesus job.
We don't have to save the world either, just love the people who we can, stick with those in our circle of care.
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