Who can discern his own errors?
Cleanse me from my hidden faults.
Keep Your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Psalms 19:12-13 BSB
Ah so now we see why David was so strong on God's words, law, testimony, precepts, commandments and judgements, because it can be a tricky thing to discern our own errors.
I can always find a way to justify what I've done. God's words help me to see where my self justification needs adjusting.
The other day I said some things in a way that wasn't kind and I justified it with my long day at work. Love is patient, love is kind, and I hadn't been. God's words made the change (& led to the apology).
God's words work on those hidden things, and the most hidden of all, my thoughts.
David really does have the human condition sussed...how does a wilful sin rule over us?
We think we can control it all, open the door to sins and choices and believe we can shut it anytime. Sometimes we can, and we think we can do that anytime, and David says don't fool yourself.
Let's let God's words shape our paths, our choices, our attitudes, and even our thoughts as we head out into the world today.
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