Now about food sacrificed to idols:
"We know that we all have knowledge." Knowledge puffs up,
but love builds up.
1 Corinthians 8:1 CSB
Paul's letter continues to address all kinds of issues and questions that have been put to him (would be quite good to have the questions, but all we have is Paul's answers).
There's been lots of arguing over meat that's been used in some ritual way, and can you then eat it or not. Is it tainted in some way.
And Paul gives us this gem: knowledge is good, but it can tend to "puff" us up. Think a balloon, a puffer fish, but also arrogance, pride, being right, wanting to show what I know, and that's more than you.
But love.
But love builds up.
No matter what, let's start here, start with love that builds up.
Paul expands on this in that famous passage in Chapter 13, but if I start from this stance, that no matter what I know, love is the start place, and building one another up is the outcome of love, it may well shift how I talk and how I listen...
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