He will also strengthen you to the end,
so that
you will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:8 CSB
Some days we just need to hear this:
Our God will strengthen you til the end.
There's times in our lives when we feel indestructible. That we can do anything, that we have the power to shape our world, make happen whatever we want to make happen.
And there's times when we don't.
We see our limitations, we see our need for God, accept our weakness & dependence on Him.
We don't like to think about "the end", but Paul isn't concerned. His hope is firmly in Jesus and he invites us to find rest there too.
And from that place go ahead and take who you are, your personality, your gifting and talents and heart into your world. Big, small, loud, quiet, impacting thousands, or one, all of it is OK, because we are held secure in Jesus.
Let Him be the basis of your flourishing.
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