Better to live
on the edge of a roof than to share a house with a contentious woman.
Proverbs 25:24 CEB
This is one of those proverbs that is weaponised against women.
This is a proverb of Solomon and maybe there's some regret at his choice to have wives against God's express command.
However if it's a picture of our hearts desire to have peace, then living in peace with less, is pictured here.
If this picture is about a couple, what responsibility does the husband have to resolve the problem?
Why is she so contentious?
Is the choice of roles here meant to be instructive? Or is it just a reflection of cultural norms? Perhaps a wife would have no choice to move up onto the corner of the roof if the husband was the contentious one...
At a deep level we want to live in peace with people, not contention, but there are times when that's reality. Maybe this Proverb is saying that our commitments to one another matter, and while the issue is being resolved you don't walk away, discard, dismantle, destroy relationships, but it's OK to have some space...
If I'm governed by God's love and his heart for people then I'm not looking for a weapon. What we do with this proverb says something about our own hearts...
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