And God said,
"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock,
the creatures that move along the ground,
and the wild animals, each according to its kind."
And it was so.
Genesis 1:24 NIV
What do you find interesting here?
What makes you wonder?
Here's two things:
There was from the start a distinction between wild animals and livestock.
And God told the land to produce the animals.
The word here is "yatsa" (pronounced yaw-tsaw') and it means to go or to come out, as in come out of your house.
It's like all of the potentiality of all of the creatures was already built in to the land. It just needed to be unlocked, to have the door opened, to step out.
I wonder about the potential in God's creation. When we see His work, His people, what potential just needs to be unlocked?
That's what I'm wondering.
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