Brothers and sisters, consider your calling: Not many were wise from a human perspective,
not many powerful,
not many of noble birth. Instead,
God has chosen
what is foolish
in the world
to shame the wise,
and God has chosen what is weak
in the world
to shame the strong.
1 Corinthians 1:26-27 CSB
What would Paul say today?
Not many are billionaires or own luxury lodges on Northland beaches.
Not many rule countries or are crowned as king.
But God has chosen those our culture says are small, discarded, worth less, those who are walked past, overlooked, not considered to shame those with power, to shame those who hoard wealth and resources.
Paul is encouraging us to listen to those who do not have a voice.
Maybe that's you today.
Among the voiceless.
This passage is a reminder that God's Kingdom is an upsidedown one, where the small are seen, and known, and heard.
Where those who the world does not value have immeasurable worth.
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