Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,
And like vinegar on soda, Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.
Proverbs 25:20 NKJV
Who thought that there was a science lesson here in Proverbs that has 2 chemicals reacting?
The word "soda" here is something called natron or carbonate of soda. Something must happen when you pour vinegar on it.
There's a reaction.
And not a good one, because it's like taking away someone's coat when a cold snap hits (like yesterday!).
Yet singing songs is not a bad thing, being upbeat and optimistic is a good thing, but when someone is grieving, their heart is hurting, things are weighing heavily on them, it's like taking their coat in a southerly, it can makes things worse.
It can cause a negative reaction, not what our hearts are wanting to do.
Sometimes we have to do the opposite when someone's heart is heavy.
Sit with them.
Be quiet.
No pithy sayings or favourite Bible verses.
No fixes.
And wait.
And be OK doing that.
Is that easy to do?
But when someone is hurting that may be the best thing. For them.
This proverb is not a weapon to wield, just a gentle way of encouraging us to see the impact of what we do and say can have on others.
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