As surely
as a north wind
brings rain,
so a gossiping tongue causes anger!
Proverbs 25:23 NLT
One thing follows another.
Wherever the author of this proverb lived when the wind blew from the north it brought rain.
Maybe not straight away, but you know it's coming.
And it's the same with gossip.
There's always a consequence.
Interesting that this word translated "gossip" here is "cether" in Hebrew, a covering, a hiding place, secrecy.
Words spoken in gossip always have some element of covering, secrecy.
Just like the north wind brings rain there are consequences to gossip, to secrets, things being covered over.
Consequences to others, and in our own hearts.
Our God is Light.
Just like the north wind brings rain, when the God who is Light governs my words, my conversations, there are consequences...just better ones...
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