Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was lying against it.
"Remove the stone," Jesus said.
Martha, the dead man's sister, told him, "Lord, there is already a stench because he has been dead four days."
John 11:38-39 CSB
Lord, do you know what you're doing?
Lord, do you know what you're asking?
Are you sure?
Martha is up front with Jesus about what she thinks of the situation, it's going to be really unpleasant.
Seems it's OK to ask Jesus if he is aware of your situation.
This is a bit of a picture of what goes on in my heart. Scripture, teaching, the Spirit prompting, an author, someone in my life is saying move that rock and let Jesus in to that part of me.
Lord, do you know what you're asking?
There's a stench there.
It's ugly there.
Jesus quietly says "let's move that stone" and let my Grace, my Life, my Light in.
Martha didn't think removing the stone was a good idea, and was being asked to trust Jesus that it was.
Jesus doesn't just arrive and blast the stones in my heart as that would cause destruction, but he is not afraid of what is locked away there.
Jesus is right there.
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