Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
1 Timothy 2:2 NLT
Paul doesn't tell Tim to pray this way for those in authority who he agrees with, or those in authority who treat him well, but to pray for them.
That's all.
Paul was one of those people in authority, so he knows that no one is beyond God's transforming grace.
And when I pray for someone it causes them to become more human, more whole, not just the view the media has given me, not just the view I have of them.
The word translated 'dignified' is 'semnotes' which is;
"properly, gravity ("gravitas"), referring to what has real weight (dignity); hence, veneration for what is worthy of respect"
Paul wants us to live lives focussed on what's important, what is weighty, not to get sidetracked. And his way of helping us to do that is to pray, pray for those in authority.
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