Don't move an ancient boundary marker, and don't encroach on the fields of the fatherless...
Proverbs 23:10 CSB
What a great proverb to kick off 2022 with because while it uses ancient examples, when you scratch the surface a little it's all about current issues:
the use of power, and injustice.
In the corner of my section almost buried in the garden is a wooden survey peg that marks the boundary. In a culture where large open areas of land were marked by natural features (unmovable) or man-made things like a cairn of stones that marked a boundary. When there's no one around, how easy to move the stones and increase my land.
How easy to start to use the field of the fatherless, the person with less power.
This is a call to all of us to use integrity and value those in our world with less power than we have, to treat them with respect, honesty, and honour.
All of us can recall times when our boundaries have been violated, someone with power has used that to get what they want without being respectful or honest, or treating us with honour.
This proverb acknowledges there are those with power, and those who are vulnerable, and this is about how we see the vulnerable. They are not to be exploited, used, abused, but people worthy of respect and honour.
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