Don't move an ancient boundary marker, and don't encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is strong, and he will champion their cause against you.
Proverbs 23:10-11 CSB
The powerless, the fatherless, those who are vulnerable, those on the margins, those who no one will believe if what belongs to them is taken, if they are used, abused, marginalised or ripped off, they have a Redeemer.
This is such a rich word that is a kinsman who will step in and help, buy back, make right, redeem, and provide for.
And this Redeemer is strong.
A strong person who takes up the cause of another, fights for them, for what has been taken, a person who sees the injustice and steps towards the person who has been harmed.
Hope is coming for you.
This proverb reminds us that there is a Redeemer who will fight for us, yet we still live in this world where that hasn't happened, or at best, hasn't happened fully. And there's days when we wish He would just make things right.
Right now.
Now would be good.
So we hold this hope that the Redeemer is powerful, and may well be at work in ways we cannot see, that he is for us, and that one day justice will roll down like a river, that all that is hurt will be unhurt, all that is broken will be unbroken, and we can rest under the shelter of our Redeemer.
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