Don't move an ancient boundary marker, and don't encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is strong, and he will champion their cause against you.
Proverbs 23:10-11 CSB
Jesus is the Redeemer.
He is strong, yet he gave up his power and became small, humble, as a servant.
He did champion our cause, just not how it was expected. He defeated death not by overpowering it, but by entering in, for us.
He is championing our cause in ways we don't always get.
This ancient proverb written hundreds of years before Jesus, points us to him, our kinsman redeemer. He is our hope and our future, our restorer, the lifter of our heads, the one who spoke the world into being, yet will wipe our tears.
Yes this world is full of boundary movers and field encroachers, but their days are numbered, their power will wane and fade into nothing when we see Jesus face to face.
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