Then Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was lying against it.
John 11:38 CSB
John doesn't tell us what's going on in Jesus. There's the obvious circumstances of a grieving family and the death of his friend, but there seems to be a hint here of something else going on with Jesus.
And isn't that the way when we see someone upset in some way we think we know what it's about, what's going on for them.
"Jesus, deeply moved again". How did John know this?
Was there more crying?
It seems like we're invited to be with Jesus for a while while he is working through this.
These words also give us permission to work through our stuff out loud, with others, in community (not with everyone, we all need safe people).
And these words also remind us that Jesus had strong emotions, strong responses to events, to things going on in the world, in our lives, in the lives of others, and it's OK that we do too. It's who we are, part of being human.
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