Don't speak to a fool,
for he will despise the insight of your words.
Proverbs 23:9 CSB
As we kick off 2022 let's not let the media, social media, the voices of the culture shape who we are or what we focus on, who we should become, but let God's word do that.
This proverb has wisdom in it. Wisdom that is helpful for us as limited people to keep our boundaries.
Yet when we look for Jesus in it, he kind of blew it up!
When we look for Jeuss here, he says "even though".
Even though I'll be despised.
Even though I'll be despised I'm coming after those people.
Even though I'll be rejected.
Even though the cross.
This proverb says "don't speak", yet Jesus is the Word, the Word that spoke creation into existence.
Even though it makes sense not to speak to those who will reject you, Jesus love for us was bigger.
His love is more.
Even though it makes sense to walk away from creation, he doesn't. He walks towards.
Towards us.
In all our mess and "foolishness", in all our mistakes and missteps, he loves us.
He saw you,
and loves you.
You're worth it.
Maybe in 2022 we can live a little more in that love, accept it in our souls that Jesus found us worth loving, that his upsidedown kingdom blows up the wisdom of the world and makes love the highest value for us to live out just a little more in the world we find ourselves in.
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