Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.
Proverbs 22:5 ESV
Thorns that catch us, grab hold, snares grab hold, hold us down, hold us captive, and their found in the way of the crooked.
But that's not me.
Well, actually, it is.
As soon as I think that somehow I don't sin, that I'm "better than", that I wouldn't fall in that trap, get caught in that snare, then I've lost sight of the reality that I am a sinner.
Yes saved by grace, but not yet free from the corruption of sin.
So a few thoughts on guarding our souls then:
1. Acknowledge that I'm just as vulnerable, just as susceptible to the thorns and snares as anyone else.
2. I'm saved and redeemed not by what I've done, but by what Jesus did, and putting my faith in Him.
3. Jesus said to Love God and love my neighbour.
Love God first.
Spend time with Him.
Read His word. Regularly. Often.
Every day.
Pray into it, let it shape our thoughts and actions.
Dwell on it.
Look for the character of God in it, and in His creation.
Work it out in relationship with others. We're not designed to do this alone. When I'm patient when I don't want to be, kind when it's the last thing, it tells me who God is. Patient with me.
Kind to me.
Not keeping a record of wrongs with me.
4. Jesus spent time alone with God.
Church is good. But we need 1:1 time with the Father.
5. Paul uses the analogy of the body. We're in this together. Confession, accountability, bearing with one another, bearing one another's burdens, they're all part of journeying together.
We're all just walking each other home...
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