Then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread the mud over the blind man's eyes...
...So the man went and washed and came back seeing!
John 9:6-7 NLT
Jesus didn't fix what was broken here. This person hadn't lost his sight through accident or disease, he never had any.
Jesus takes us way back to the creation story in Genesis and making people out of the dirt, the earth.
You can't spit without using your breath, it's what propels the saliva right?
The point is that Jesus is creating sight where there was none, creating something new.
My prayers can be about fixing something that is broken, restore what's been stolen or damaged, to make right what is wrong.
Good things, and Jesus does heal, and is about justice, but what if our God wants something new?
What if this account of Jesus at work is not about healing at all, but about creation.
About something new.
How does that speak into your day, what you're facing, what's going on for you?
Maybe there's a dangerous prayer here:
"Jesus, as you breathe on me, as you infuse yourself in the stuff that I'm made of, what new thing are you wanting, what new thing are you creating in me, from me.
Today Jesus I'm not asking you to fix me, but to make something new.
I'm open for that.
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