After he said these things he spit on the ground, made some mud from the saliva, and spread the mud on his eyes.
"Go," he told him,
"wash in the pool of Siloam" (which means "Sent").
So he left, washed, and came back seeing.
John 9:6-7 CSB
The doubly outcast, doubly blind man is sent to the pool called "Sent".
No idea what that means! Just interesting.
I wonder how long that took, who led him there, what he was thinking, what the people watching thought...
A Rabbi had just done something that seemed really unclean.
He'd done something that seemed really weird.
This isn't how things work in our culture, in our church, this is weird what God is up to here?
I went to an info night at church for a new thing that is starting soon. We, the church, are basing it around food and conversation.
Great! We can do that.
There'll be Muslims coming so we need to prepare halal food that they're comfortable with.
That's a bit weird, that's not normal for us to consider in this church...
Jesus was up to something in the wierd uncomfortable space, in the waiting for the man with mud on his eyes to come back.
He's still up to something.
He's up to something in our hearts...
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