For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 ESV
If you could create something new, what would it be?
A piece of music, art, a business, a solution to a problem, a new or better way of doing something.... (maybe you should get on and do it!)
I imagined creating a new car (as a young child I remember my cousin was an artist who drew pictures of fantastic cars).
The purpose of that car could be a specific journey, to travel to Invercargill, or it could be to take me to...places. My car is built to travel.
We've been created for a few things like relationship.
Relationship with God, with people, with God's creation.
We've been created to work out those relationships in love, creatively, making new things and new ways of doing things.
We are God's workmanship, made with and on purpose, made for good works, and the Bible is full of clues about how that should look.
Let God's heart, his priorities shape us.
Let the needs of the world, those around us, move us.
And use the unique set of gifts and talents and experiences to step into those good works that somehow God saw from before time for us.
There's a freedom here, because it's all shrouded in Grace
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