His neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar said, "Isn't this the one who used to sit begging?" Some said,
"He's the one."
Others were saying,
"No, but he looks like him."
He kept saying,
"I'm the one."
So they asked him,
"Then how were your eyes opened?"
He answered,
"The man called Jesus made mud, spread it on my eyes, and told me, 'Go to Siloam and wash.'
So when I went and washed I received my sight."
"Where is he?"
they asked.
"I dont know," he said.
John 9:8-12 CSB
This is one guy I want to meet. Just so straight forward.
He got asked again and again about whether he was the guy.
And when asked about what happened, there's no big drama, just the facts.
And he didn't even know who Jesus was - he just knew him as "the man called Jesus". And yet he received this gift of the creation of sight.
I wonder if I'm not even aware of the blessings and gifts from God, just take them for granted... there's no way this guy will take his sight as anything but a gift and a blessing.
There's a lot of dialogue here with this man, but nothing is recorded indicating that anyone asked him how he was feeling, what happened when he first started to see, what that was like for him, what it meant for him.
He was still unseen.
Lost behind the labels.
Blind. Sinner. Outcast. Beggar.
Let's not lose sight of the person.
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