For you are saved by grace through faith,
and this is not from yourselves;
it is Gods gift - not from works, so that no one can boast.
For we are his workmanship...
Ephesians 2:8-10 CSB
We are his workmanship.
You are his workmanship.
I am his workmanship.
I, _________ (Insert your name here) am his workmanship.
Does your mind immediately go to the negative?
If only you knew me, knew who I am, what I've done, my thoughts, what was done to me...
Paul says 'read my story, the things I did, who I was, who I still am, but I'm saved by Grace.
And I am God's workmanship'.
Think about what that could mean, that there is the image of God in me, in my design, my purpose, my character, my heart.
Yes it's not perfect.
And Grace.
You are God's workmanship.
And Grace.
You are God's workmanship, not to boast in, but to rest in.
We are His workmanship together, we're in this together, need one another, and together are His workmanship.
And Grace.
Do you see beauty and goodness and God's creative genius in others?
It's in you too.
His workmanship.
Our God is deeply invested in His work, He did, does and will love you.
His workmanship.
Rest in that today.
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